Tutorial #1 for Uncensored Squawking!

How to create an account

Present Requirements:

  • Unique email address.
  • Unique usercode/hndle/hashtag that you can remember


  • Password Manager.
  • Tablet or Computer

Future Requirements:

  • Phone that can receive text messages.

This web application will work well on any standard smart phone, Apple or Andoid.  However it will be easier to read and use on a tablet or computer.

From the Home Page, select the My Accout button. This will take you to the Login page. From any other page, select Login from the main menu.

From the Logon Page, select the Create Accout button.

Enter your Email Address and your desired Handle.  Your handle is how people will know you.  For example: TheDude, IamWizard, TheExpertOnEverything.  Select the Next button.

Go to your email, get the 4 character verification code.  Then enter it and a PIN code.  Your Password will be long and nearly impossible to memorize and you will likely forget it and lose it eventually.  Your PIN should be the opposite, shorter and easier to remember.  You will only need your PIN if you forget or lose your password.

Select the Create Account button and save your password somewhere.  That is all, Login and have fun!